About us

We dream of taking care of our planet

And reinvent mobility

Our Journey

Ours has been a long journey, with many stops, refuels, achievements and learning. A journey in which, over the years, more people have been committed to taking care of our planet's resources; people who make the journey more meaningful and without whom the path would not be so clear.

Thus, in 2018 we launched our minimum viable product through a corporate car sharing solution for Endesa. That same year we continued to work for large corporations and accompanied them in transforming their model to a more efficient one, which has allowed them to reduce the number of vehicles and maintain the same service quota.

In 2019, we began to drive the digital transformation of rent-a-cars towards closer and more convenient mobility solutions for their customers, we also bring mobility to cities with minute-based car rental systems, integrating a wide range of vehicles on a single platform.

In 2020 we started to lead the transformation of the dealerships and also the business model of rent-a-cars maximizing the efficiency of the vehicles
and expanding the range of mobility services.  

And so we continue our journey, enjoying, improving, learning.

Because the best part of the journey is the road.

Our Engine

Transform mobility towards more sustainable models.

Sustainable value in our work is something that moves us every day, the perspective of mobility on demand, communication and connection between mobility platforms and users.
We want to connect people, places and experiences, promoting more intelligent and livable cities.

Our Horizon

Our Race

The mobility of the future will be sustainable, connected, autonomous and shared.
This is the future we imagine, being part of this wheel of life, advancing with it through our dreams and technology so that it never stops turning.
We work from the predictions that will try to alleviate the congestion of the cities through a model of intelligent cities connected to a intelligent mobility.

Our race, our horizon, is to follow
integrating technology for the cities of the future.


We use technology to expand our clients' service offerings, simplify their operation, and design more agile, attractive and ecological models, driving the transformation to a new world.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it”.
Peter Drucker


We take advantage of experience, maximize our resources, and act wisely to achieve the benefit of our entire ecosystem. We are not satisfied with just doing well, we feel proud every time we can surprise and exceed expectations.



Respect and Trust

We keep our promises and we are committed to long-term relationships.

We take care of the times and the ways to guarantee the satisfaction of all the parts involved.  We match their interests and needs with our resources in order to create value.




We live in a constant search for balance.
We are committed to economic growth, increased quality of life and social welfare, through a more collaborative and environmentally responsible model.

It is partially funded by the Next Generation EU Fund, an initiative by the European Union to support industry recovery and promote a more resilient, greener, and digital Europe, with a focus on digital transformation across various sectors, including travel.

Plataforma Mostrador Digital de Alquiler de Coches

The "Skip the Counter" and "keyless" technologies are significant advancements in the travel sector, enhancing customer experience and allowing travel sellers to offer unique services. This project supports the digitalization and modernization of Spain's tourism sector, aiming to boost the country's competitiveness.

Subvencionado por el CDTI y apoyado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.

Financiado por la Unión Europea. NextGenerationUE.

Marketplace para la Estandarización, Digitalización y Electrificación de Vehículos de Alquiler.


Dotar de herramientas que faciliten ámbitos de la intermodalidad, especialmente los relacionados con el alquiler de vehículos de flota gestionando la demanda.

Digitalizar e integrar la información del alquiler de vehículos con el conjunto de actores que participan en las plataformas de MaaS(Mobility as a Service).

Generar infraestructuras de recarga inteligentes en el ámbito del vehículo eléctrico para garantizar su sostenibilidad.

Usar las tecnologías de comunicaciones basadas en 5G y soporte de edge computing para dar soporte al conjunto de servicios y plataformas necesarias.

Enriquecer la experiencia del usuario obteniendo información de sus viajes y experiencias asociadas y así optimizar la oferta turística.

Integrantes del consorcio:

Subvencionado por el CDTI y apoyado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad.

Eccocar Sharing SL en el marco del Programa de Iniciación a la Exportación ICEX Next, ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno.

Personal cofinanciado por la Xunta de Galicia en virtud de la Resolución de la Agencia Gallega de Innovación de 31 de diciembre de 2019 (Programa de Talento Senior).

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